Friday, May 10, 2013

If this blog seems empty in the next few days... is because Brittany and I (yep, this is Katie again) have started our own blogs now. And because Brittany is the main person that updates this family blog, and since I'm the one that will occasionally fill in for her if she doesn't get around to updating, and since we will both be busy with our own blogs, I will give you the links to Brittany's blog and mine.

Brittany's blog:

And here's mine:
Enjoy even more!

As an afterthought, you will probably enjoy Brittany's because of all of her colorful, unique pictures...once again I have to admit that I have no pictures as of yet. But that will change!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Flowers

Flowers appear on the earth; 
the season of singing has come.
Song of Solomon 2:12

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kansas Trip

 I just (well okay, not just) noticed that our blog hadn't been updated in a while. So I decided to change that. By the way, this is Katie here, and I haven't ever written on our blog. So if I make a major mistake...well, beware.
 On Sunday, April 21, Brittany, Brady, and I had the privilege of driving down to Kansas for a graduation reception...all by ourselves! We had some friends in Kansas who were going to be there that we really wanted to see, so we just decided to drive down.
 It was on the spur of the moment.
 In fact, none of us knew we were going until about an hour before we left.
 It was a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon. Riley spilled milk all over the breakfast table. Colby couldn't find his shoes. We were tripping over each other in the scramble to get to church on time. Just like usual.
 It wasn't until after church that Brady, Brittany, and I got to brainstorming.
 Our cousin Matthew's graduation started at 2:30 pm that afternoon, but it was already too late for us to make it there in time. It takes four hours to get from our house to theirs, and by then the graduation would already be over.
 Or would it?
 Maybe...maybe not. Gradually our brainstorming grew from "just brainstorming" to a plan. When we had all of the details worked out, we approached Mom and Dad with the idea. We told them that we would pay for the gas, and that we'd be very careful (emphasis on very), and we assured them that we would keep Brittany awake on the road.
 I'm sure that last comment helped.
 Have you ever heard the verse, "The prayers of a righteous man availeth much"? Well, in our case, the prayers of a righteous man DID availeth much.
 As Brittany and I tried to persuade Mom and Dad that letting us go to Kansas was a very good idea, our pastor walked down the church steps. "Pastor," I said, turning to him, "we need your prayers right now. Pray that we'll be able to go to Kansas."
 He just laughed.
 "The prayers of a righteous man availeth much!" Brittany quoted.
 "This is your test!" I called out as he left. "Now we'll see if you're a righteous man or not. If Dad lets us go, you are a righteous man. If not..."
 He was a righteous man.
 The three of us left around one o'clock that afternoon. We didn't make ANY stops the whole way there [unless you count stop lights] and got there in record time...three and a half hours instead of four. Actually, I don't think we got there any faster because of the fact that we didn't make any stops. My personal opinion is that Brittany drives fast. But she would disagree.
 Since our cousins didn't know we were coming, we pulled a huge surprise on them. I wish I could have caught the looks on their faces with a camera.
 Speaking of cameras, the reason that there are no pictures on this post is because...well, I wish I could say it is because we don't have any pictures. But that would be false. The real reason is because I am totally ignorant in the way of the latest technology, and I don't know how to download (or is it upload?) pictures from Brittany's camera onto our computer.
 So you will just have to imagine the shocked looks on their faces for now until my smart older sister updates you some more.
 We had lots of fun playing volleyball and visiting with friends and family. We stayed up late that night and talked (and talked and talked). We ate cake and skittles. And we talked some more.
 And I could tell a lot more stories about our visit to Kansas, but I don't have time. Unfortunately.
 Before I go, I will say that we got home safely, thanks to Brittany's good driving. Me and Brady did keep her awake the whole time, by the way.
 And now that we have done it once, we WILL do it again. So watch out, Bergen cousins!

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
~James 5:16~

Monday, April 8, 2013

Grandma's 75th!

Happy 75th Birthday, Grandma! We are so blessed by your godly character and wisdom. Thank you so much for your encouraging attitude and your many, many prayers for us. You have set a wonderful example for the generations after you. We love you!

Kansas Vacation

Pictures from our Easter Vacation in Kansas:

Easter Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. God provided a perfect day for celebrating the resurrection of His Son! We thank the Lord for His bountiful blessings to us through Christ, and for providing a wonderful family to celebrate Easter with. 
And yes, we did have an Easter egg hunt! Not sure exactly what eggs or bunnies have to do with Easter, but the younger kids had fun finding all the eggs. 

Colby and Jessica





We cut, split, carried and stacked wood for Grandma and for Brent and Myra's family on Monday morning. 

 Dad is using a chainsaw to cut hedgewood into small logs,
 while Katie and Emily are carrying them over to Joe.

Matthew using a chainsaw on some large logs.

Mark using the splitter
Josiah, stacking wood in the back of the pickup
to haul over to Grandma's.

 Unloading at Grandma's

We enjoyed our time in Kansas immensely, and look forward to the next time! And we made it home safely, although we do have a new driver...Katie! She gave us a couple good scares, but overall she did a great job. =) 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Grease Monkey!

This is what happens when you're the skinniest mechanic in the shop! I had to squeeze into an extremely small and greasy space, but was able to get the job done!

Monday, March 4, 2013

First Robins!

A couple of days ago, I (Brittany) walked outside and heard a sweet, vibrant chirping above me. When I looked up, I was delighted to see five or six robins in a tree! They had beautiful voices, prompting me to thank the Lord for the beauty of His creation that He has so lavishly spread around us.
Spring is coming!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Brady's Snow Tunnels

Brady has been having a great time digging tunnels under the big snow pile! His tunnel has three different entrances.

Entrance #1

Entrance #2

Entrance #3

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow Day!

We had another snow storm come through! After our driveway was plowed, we had a big pile underneath one of our trees. I'm sure you can guess where that led!
With Brittany and Brady, and their cousin Caleb...this was sure to happen sooner or later.



 FYI: No one got hurt.
= O )

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy 17th Birthday, Brittany!

Mint chocolate-chip ice-cream cake!
Mitchell Quiring (a special friend) wood-burned a sign for my room!

Highlights of the year:
~Getting to know a special young man :-)
~horseback riding
~playing violin
~spending time outside
Lamentations 3:22-23
 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not. 
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.