Monday, April 8, 2013

Grandma's 75th!

Happy 75th Birthday, Grandma! We are so blessed by your godly character and wisdom. Thank you so much for your encouraging attitude and your many, many prayers for us. You have set a wonderful example for the generations after you. We love you!

Kansas Vacation

Pictures from our Easter Vacation in Kansas:

Easter Sunday dawned bright and beautiful. God provided a perfect day for celebrating the resurrection of His Son! We thank the Lord for His bountiful blessings to us through Christ, and for providing a wonderful family to celebrate Easter with. 
And yes, we did have an Easter egg hunt! Not sure exactly what eggs or bunnies have to do with Easter, but the younger kids had fun finding all the eggs. 

Colby and Jessica





We cut, split, carried and stacked wood for Grandma and for Brent and Myra's family on Monday morning. 

 Dad is using a chainsaw to cut hedgewood into small logs,
 while Katie and Emily are carrying them over to Joe.

Matthew using a chainsaw on some large logs.

Mark using the splitter
Josiah, stacking wood in the back of the pickup
to haul over to Grandma's.

 Unloading at Grandma's

We enjoyed our time in Kansas immensely, and look forward to the next time! And we made it home safely, although we do have a new driver...Katie! She gave us a couple good scares, but overall she did a great job. =)