Thursday, December 20, 2012


 We have been having so much fun with a blizzard that came through yesterday! It started to snow close to noon, and kept getting thicker. Then the wind picked up, and today we have plenty of drifts and snow piles!

This is when the snow first started.

This morning, we woke up and found everything packed with snow! There are
 plenty of drifts and snow piles to sled down, build tunnels in, and so on. :-) 

Craig, clearing snow and making more piles!

Looks tempting, doesn't it? Well...!

Brady loves to build tunnels under the drifts.

Colby and Brady digging another tunnel

Look how big that drift is!

Our dog, Trixie, loves the snow. She's very playful this time of year!

Colby, age 4, is old enough to enjoy the snow this year! 




Abby and Riley

Here are some shots that I got this morning. 
The snow makes everything so beautiful!

         Not to us, O Lord, not to us
        but to your name be the glory, 
          because of your love and faithfulness. 
Psalm 115:1

Praise the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, 
you are very great; you are clothed with splendor and majesty. 
Psalm 104:1

God is so great! I am always amazed by His beauty and wisdom in all that He created.
May the Christmas season fill you with joy for all He has done!

~Brittany, for the Bergen Family~